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Tuborco Has several production lines that enable the production of a wide range of tube sizes, using the latest rolling technology and design "COPRA Software". Our tube sizes vary from 8 to 160 mm and thicknesses from 0.5 to 6 mm

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Tuborco Allows its clients to have their tubes cut to measure between 20cm to 10m long. The latest generation cutting machines are used to guarantee limited dimensional tolerance of (+/- 0.5mm).

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Tuborco Has one of the latest technology of bending which allow to make a several bending operation on the same tube , also it can bend different sizes of tubes from 16 mm to 60 mm round up to 4 mm thickness with different angles.

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Tuborco Has a large workshop, equipped with high technological machinery , that supply the factory's needs in spare parts, rolls, assemblies, new parts,... etc.

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The warehouse has always been one of the company's key success factors. Contain high level of stocking which gives us the possibility to serve our customers perfectly